Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Products and Services.


AIA understands how important it is to guard against unfortunate events in life such as accident, illness, disability or death, thus ensuring family and loved ones are well protected. AIA's life insurance plans offer protection for you and your family against these unfortunate events and the possibility of financial strain. For individuals seeking to protect their health, AIA has a comprehensive range of health insurance plans ranging from medical, hospitalisation and long term care to critical illness.

Offered product or service:

  • PA (Personal Accident) Care - Accident protection, worldwide. + double protection on severe injuries.
  • Femi Choice - Maternity Risk, Cancer Benefit (include breast and cervix cancer).
  • Excel Care Plus - Medical Card.
  • Whole Life plus Non Par- Life insurance.
  • Critical Illness Shield - Covers 36 Critical Disease or incapacity.


AIA understands how important it is to plan ahead for important occasions such as saving for your children's education, starting a business or enjoying well-earned golden years in retirement.

It is well known that the earlier financial planning is started, the better possibility there is of getting higher returns over time. AIA has various saving plans for achieving financial goals and securing the lifestyle that you desire. So start planning early and reap the rewards!

Offered product or service:

  • AIA Education Account - Foundation to your child's golden future.


AIA aims to help you find an investment approach that fits your financial goal and risk appetite by combining innovative products with expert advice.

AIA understands that each of you have unique financial goals, therefore AIA has designed a line of investment linked plans that offer you smart solutions to satisfy your portfolio needs by delivering consistent performance. Investment linked plans offer you the opportunity to participate in investment opportunities while ensuring you have financial protection through life insurance. You can benefit from investment opportunities in developed and emerging markets, and in different ranges of risk/return profiles.

Offered product or service:

  • Guaranteed Income Provider (GIP) - Short Term Commitment, Long Term Benefit.


For many, retirement can be one of the best and most enjoyable periods of your life if you plan ahead. You could take up a new hobby, travel the world or even take up a second career without the demands of pressing financial commitments. AIA understands how important it is and has the breadth and depth of expertise to provide the best products and services to matching individual needs. You can choose from our wide range of products including endowment plans and annuities that coincide with your retirement.

Offered product or service:

  • AIA Retirement Account - Lifetime income, Flexible, Affordable.

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