Friday, November 26, 2010

How to Deal with Stress and Anxiety

Life can be challenging at times and everyone experiences stress and anxiety at some point in their life. Small doses of stress are expected and even healthy when it triggers motivation and problem solving. However, prolonged stress can lead to a multitude of health problems, including increased blood pressure, heart problems, body aches, sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, and poor mental health. Stress can be triggered by any number of events and there are different levels of intensity. Stress can affect a person mentally, physically, and spiritually. Stress can not be avoided. What is important is that you deal with it and find ways to reduce the stress and anxiety.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy


Things You'll Need:

Exercise for Stress Relief
This is probably the best way to reduce stress and alleviate anxiety in your life. There is no question as to the health benefits of exercise. Here are a couple reasons it helps alleviate stress.

Exercise releases negative energy and transfers it into something productive. Chemically, exercise releases endorphins (good feelings)and decreases cortisol (stress hormones) in your body. Lastly, exercise, especially intense, acts as a distraction by keeping your mind off of whatever may be causing the stress and anxiety.

If you feel stressed out, it may help to just talk about it and get another perspective. If you have a friend or family member that has the ability to make you feel better by being supportive, give that person a call. Sometimes, just talking through things out loud can relief some of the stress.
Handle one thing at a time! Many times stress is caused by having too many things on your metaphorical plate. Remove some of these ideas or tasks by either completing them or discarding them for a later time or altogether. This will help you focus on the priorities. - If it helps, make a list of things to get done in order of priority. - Set realistic goals and activities that are within your reach.
  • Relax!
MEDITATE OR OTHER RELAXATION TECHNIQUES. Meditation is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety. If you have racing thoughts, it may be difficult to get into the right frame of mind to meditate. Try this step if you are calm and motivated to ease your mind of all the worries in your life. Meditation will take practice. But, if you find a way to practice meditation, it could prevent future episodes of stress and anxiety.

If meditation does not work for you, try other relaxation techniques. Get a massage or take a yoga class. Even just taking a few minutes and focus on slowing down your breathing or taking some deep breaths can reduce stress.

  • Music Relieves Stress - LISTEN TO MUSIC.
Sometimes, music can ease your mind. Different types of music can be helpful for different type of people. For some, loud metal relieves stress and for others calming music works. The point is to find music that puts you in a better mood and reduces stress.

Put on a MP3 player and go for a jog. If you combine this step with exercise, you will feel the stress start to melt away.

Music Relieves Stress
If you can not do an intense workout, go for a walk. A walk can be helpful to get the blood flowing. It also gives you time to literally walk away from the source of stress and regroup your thoughts.
As a writer, I know this is a very helpful way of reducing stress in my life. Journal writing is a great release no matter what your writing skills are. It allows you to blurt out all your feelings and thoughts and get them off your mind. Keep a private journal that is only for you to read so you can be completely honest and free with your thoughts. Write in a Journal
Read more: How to Deal with Stress and Anxiety

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